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Leda's 250 Featured by

The authors of Plenty: One Man, One Woman and a Raucous Year of Eating Locally featured my upcoming 250-mile diet on their site today:

A Year of Local Eating Begins in Brooklyn

They are right about all the canning and freezing I’m going to have to do (and thankfully had already begun before I knew I was going to go this far!).

3 responses to “Leda's 250 Featured by”

  1. seraphpin says:

    Today I quickley parboiled and then cold bathed 6 quarts of garden grown tomatoes. Love the Cherokee purple and the Lemon boy. I peeled the tomatoes after the cold bath…then cored them, sliced them out and put them into freezer bags with the “juice”….for marinara sauce, soup. salsa and stews over winter.


  2. ledameredith says:

    Excellent, Shannon. My freezer space is limited, so I’m opting to can and dry my tomatoes for winter. In the past I’ve made do with whatever extras I had in the garden or from my CSA share, but because of the 250 this year I’m supplementing that by buying more at the farmers markets while they are in season. I won’t have the option this year of switching to a commercial brand of canned tomatoes if I run out before the next tomato season.

  3. acmeplant says:

    We picked our first four tomatoes in PA yesterday (a little behind you guys in NYC) and have savored every mouthful. Tomorrow promises BLTs with arrugula and bacon from the farmer’s market (ok, that makes them BATs). I’m waiting on the Caprese salad till I have my first batch of homemade mozzerella, which I hope will be next weekend.

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